Nikki Harmon - Artist & Playwright
A overly optimistic Canadian polar bear and a pessimistic Singaporean parrot, along with a Balinese monkey who’s a fugitive from a 5th Ave. penthouse, run away to join the circus in an attempt to get back home, but end up being nabbed by an animal control officer and almost eaten by a really big alligator. In the end, with the help of a Native American (Cree) grizzly bear, who shape shifts into a tiger, everyone finds their way safely back home.
Running Time: 50 mins.
Cast of 13 + extras (5 with doubling)
Production History
Production.............University of Central Missouri
Semi Finalist..........Drury University’s One-Act Play Competition

University of Central Missouri

In the Arizona desert, a Hopi Burro who definitely, absolutely, positively does NOT want to go into the family business of "Burro Rides Incorporated," two Japanese short-tailed Albatrosses with a terrible sense of direction and a propensity for flying into trees, a fast-talking Navajo Collared Lizard who wants to be famous, and a lost Mexican Gray Wolf who can't find his friends and family, help each other reach their goals – the Burro to be a Barrel Racer at a Gymkhana; the Albatrosses to find their way home; the Lizard to be famous; and the Wolf to learn how to be a wolf.
Along the way Issa describes what he sees through the Haiku he composes.
Approx. running time: 50 mins.
Cast of 8 - gender flexible (5 with doubling)