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Welcome To My World

My artwork gives me the opportunity to show the beauty around us, and in our endangered species.  Click on the WILDLIFE CONSERVANCIES Tab above to see how you can help save them. 

In TV I toiled on S.W.A.T, Today's FBI, The Flip Wilson Show, Family, Concrete Cowboys, Young Dan'l Boone, Nashville 99, Murder in Music City, etc. etc., as a Casting Director, a Production Coordinator, and lots of other cool stuff including being a Reader for Playboy Productions. 

In Theatre, after 20 years as a Stage Manager, Lighting Designer, Prop Designer  and even an Assistant to the Broadsword Master (the remarkable Paddy Crean on a production of Henry IV Part I), I bought a typewriter and a ream of paper, and sat down at a newly purchased Goodwill desk to see what would happen.  Since then I've had the pleasure, fun and excitement of writing plays for both adults and kids and watching actors bring to life the voices I hear in my head!











And over the years I've been privileged to work on amazing projects with talented and committed researchers, scientists and archaeologists in Thailand, Peru, Italy, Kenya, Namibia, Arizona and Washington D.C. - fulfilling lifelong dreams of being an archaeologist and going to Africa to see the wild animals and now working to save our endangered species.    


Chankillo - Casma Valley, Peru

Chevelon pueblo Homol’ovi settlement 


Ban Non Wat

Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy - Kenya

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Tick collection in the bush - Kenya

Cheetah Conservation - Namibia

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Rare Book Department 

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, Rome Italy

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